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Whether you start your legal automation project large or small, start!

Posted by Gene Turner on 24-Jun-2024 09:00:53

Last week was interesting in terms of both doing a lot of automation work, while also discussing potential approaches to new projects with prospective customers.

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Topics: Document Automation, Legal Technology, In-House Legal, Law Firm Management, Automated NDAs, Legal Automation, Legal Operations, Contract Management, Productivity

Is NDA automation the best place to start your legal automation journey?

Posted by Gene Turner on 20-May-2024 07:00:00

In legal automation, the most important thing is actually getting started and finding an initial project to get going with. Too many legal teams think about it, and think about it, and never actually start.   But where do you start? 

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Topics: Document Automation, Legal Technology, In-House Legal, Document Assembly, Self-Service Legal Automation, Automated NDAs, Legal Automation, Legal Operations, Contract Management, Productivity

The value of building compliance into the business process – Compliance by Design

Posted by Gene Turner on 17-May-2024 07:00:00

Research by Deloitte in their In-house Insights Report “Trusted navigators in complex and challenging environments” prepared in response to a September 2022 survey of New Zealand's in-house legal community, showed that keeping up-to-date and compliance with legal, regulatory and government policy updates was the number one issue that legal teams are concerned about.

Regulatory compliance has become increasingly onerous, but in my view, traditional methods of managing compliance are no longer fit for purpose as a means of keeping up.

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Topics: Legal Technology, In-House Legal, Self-Service Legal Automation, Compliance, Legal Automation, Legal Operations, Productivity

Does your contract approval process need improvement?

Posted by Gene Turner on 25-Mar-2024 18:14:17

An area where improvements might easily be made to overall contracting speed is in the approvals process.

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Topics: Document Automation, Legal Technology, In-House Legal, Document Assembly, Legal Automation, Matter Management, Legal Operations, Contract Management, Productivity

Best resources for improving contracting processes and outcomes

Posted by Gene Turner on 22-Jan-2024 14:00:41

When I’m asked for the best resources to improve overall contracting processes and outcomes, there are two that I can recommend knowing they will provide excellent insights and return on investment.

While particularly relevant for in-house legal teams and contract managers (who can get immediate benefits), they offer significant value to commercial lawyers in law firms who want to understand how they can really add the most value to their clients’ businesses.

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Topics: Document Automation, Procurement, Legal Technology, In-House Legal, Document Assembly, Law Firm Management, Legal Operations, Contract Management, Law Firm Strategy, Productivity

LawHawk's Major Themes for 2024

Posted by Gene Turner on 14-Jan-2024 10:40:00

Looking ahead to the coming year, I think (maybe with a bit of hope thrown in) several themes will be key. This is what we will be focussing on helping our customers with, and in our own business.

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Topics: Practise of Law, Future of Law, Document Automation, Legal Technology, Law Firm Management, Compliance, Legal Operations, Contract Management, Law Firm Strategy, Productivity

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