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Gene Turner

Gene is Managing Director of LawHawk, a specialist document automation company helping you create documents fast.
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Value Pricing – Resources for Law Firms

Posted by Gene Turner on 01-Jul-2024 13:38:48

In my last post, I discussed the importance of value pricing in a firm's decision to use legal technology and reap its benefits.

However, how does a firm move quickly from time billing to value pricing while avoiding the pitfalls and mistakes others have already made and which are easily avoidable?

Don't just make it up through trial and error – get external help from experts.

Resources that can help firms move to value pricing

There are a lot of pricing consultants in the market, and I've also noticed that many are also starting to position themselves as value pricing experts despite largely having built their reputations on helping firms refine hourly billing models.

If you're interested in these ideas, I recommend looking first at people who have been living and breathing value pricing since well before it was cool. Some particular people that I recommend are:

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Topics: Practise of Law, Future of Law, Legal Technology, Law Firm Management, Value Pricing, Law Firm Strategy, Law Firm Profitability, Law Firm Pricing

Whether you start your legal automation project large or small, start!

Posted by Gene Turner on 24-Jun-2024 09:00:53

Last week was interesting in terms of both doing a lot of automation work, while also discussing potential approaches to new projects with prospective customers.

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Topics: Document Automation, Legal Technology, In-House Legal, Law Firm Management, Automated NDAs, Legal Automation, Legal Operations, Contract Management, Productivity

My existing legal automation solution isn’t working for me – what are my options?

Posted by Gene Turner on 10-Jun-2024 08:55:09

The problem

We often come across people who have some form of existing automation solution in place, but it isn’t meeting their needs and they aren’t sure what to do about it.

They have potentially invested a lot of money already in the existing solution, so there’s a large sunk cost that is in their mind.

Of course, the best thing to do is to ignore sunk costs – what's done is done - and to focus on what is the best decision from here on. Easier said than done, but still necessary!


There could be a number of reasons why the existing solution isn’t meeting needs. These could include:

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Topics: Document Automation, Legal Technology, In-House Legal, Law Firm Management, Digital Signatures, Legal Automation, Email Management, Matter Management, Legal Operations, Contract Management, Law Firm Strategy, Knowledge Management

Is NDA automation the best place to start your legal automation journey?

Posted by Gene Turner on 20-May-2024 07:00:00

In legal automation, the most important thing is actually getting started and finding an initial project to get going with. Too many legal teams think about it, and think about it, and never actually start.   But where do you start? 

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Topics: Document Automation, Legal Technology, In-House Legal, Document Assembly, Self-Service Legal Automation, Automated NDAs, Legal Automation, Legal Operations, Contract Management, Productivity

The value of building compliance into the business process – Compliance by Design

Posted by Gene Turner on 17-May-2024 07:00:00

Research by Deloitte in their In-house Insights Report “Trusted navigators in complex and challenging environments” prepared in response to a September 2022 survey of New Zealand's in-house legal community, showed that keeping up-to-date and compliance with legal, regulatory and government policy updates was the number one issue that legal teams are concerned about.

Regulatory compliance has become increasingly onerous, but in my view, traditional methods of managing compliance are no longer fit for purpose as a means of keeping up.

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Topics: Legal Technology, In-House Legal, Self-Service Legal Automation, Compliance, Legal Automation, Legal Operations, Productivity

What technology are New Zealand in-house teams using?

Posted by Gene Turner on 15-May-2024 07:00:00

I was curious when I saw this question in Deloitte's research in their In-house Insights Report “Trusted navigators in complex and challenging environments” prepared in response to a September 2022 survey of New Zealand's in-house legal community, on what technology systems do you have in place to support efficient/effective legal operations?

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Topics: Document Automation, Legal Technology, In-House Legal, Digital Signatures, Compliance, Legal Automation, Email Management, Matter Management, Legal Operations, Contract Management, Knowledge Management

How do you expect investment in technology for the legal team to change over the next 12 months?

Posted by Gene Turner on 13-May-2024 08:35:52

I'm looking forward to the 2024 ILANZ conference on 22 and 23 May. It's a great opportunity to get a feel for the issues and priorities of the New Zealand in-house legal community, as well as to connect with others who are working with, and providing solutions to, in-house lawyers.

This year, I'll be particularly interested in gauging in-house lawyers' feelings about technology and their plans to invest in it. Even as recently as September 2022, Deloitte's research in their In-house Insights Report “Trusted navigators in complex and challenging environments” prepared in response to a September 2022 survey of New Zealand's in-house legal community, showed that more than half of in-house teams were planning no change in their investment in technology. I found that surprising at the time.

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Topics: Document Automation, Legal Technology, In-House Legal, Document Assembly, Self-Service Legal Automation, Compliance, Legal Automation, Matter Management, Legal Operations, Contract Management

Stay in control of your legal automation project

Posted by Gene Turner on 27-Apr-2024 20:33:12

Legal teams often rely on support from Finance, IT, or Procurement to access new technology and systems.

This is confirmed in the Deloitte In-house Insights Report “Trusted navigators in complex and challenging environments”, prepared in response to the September 2022 survey of New Zealand's in-house legal community, which identified the CFO/COO as the most common decision maker, followed by the CIO/IT Department.

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Topics: Document Automation, Legal Technology, In-House Legal, Digital Signatures, Legal Automation, Matter Management, Legal Operations, Contract Management

What are "legal" skills vs "non-legal" skills?

Posted by Gene Turner on 21-Apr-2024 18:59:54

I found a few sections in Deloitte's In-house Insights Report, “Trusted navigators in complex and challenging environments”, prepared in response to the September 2022 survey of New Zealand's in-house legal community, fascinating.

They were questions about the skills of the in-house legal profession, and in particular:

  • What legal skills do you consider will be most important for you to be able to perform your role in the next 2 years and
  • What non-legal skills do you consider will be most important for you to be able to perform your role in the next 2 years.

If they are skills that a lawyer needs to perform their role, then aren't they ALL legal skills?

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Topics: Future of Law, Legal Technology, In-House Legal, Law Firm Management, Legal Automation, Legal Operations, Law Firm Strategy

How to combat overwhelm in evaluating LegalTech

Posted by Gene Turner on 01-Apr-2024 15:53:59

As an in-house lawyer or lawyer in a firm, you may have heard about the benefits of using technology to improve your legal processes and get better outcomes. You may have seen some impressive demos or testimonials from vendors who claim to have the perfect solution for your needs.

But how do you decide which technology or approach is the best for your situation?

How do you navigate the overwhelming amount of information and noise in the market?

The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Different technologies and approaches have different strengths and weaknesses, depending on your goals, constraints, preferences, and context.

What works for one legal team may not work for another. And what works today may not work tomorrow.

So, how can you simplify your thinking and make progress in evaluating LegalTech?

Here are five suggestions that may help you:

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Topics: Document Automation, Legal Technology, In-House Legal, Document Assembly, Law Firm Management, Legal Automation, Matter Management, Legal Operations, Contract Management

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